Monday, August 6, 2012

Baby Chicken!

When i was sorting out my inventory, I noticed one Egg. I decided to get rid of it as it was just using up inventory space. Instead of destroying it I threw it at my sister (she was playing on my SP map at the time) and to my amazement it turned into a little chicken! This only has a 1/8 chance of happening and is the first time I have ever managed to spawn one!

(I didn't notice until after I took the screenshot that I was taunting the little chicken with its mothers burnt carcass....)

Extreme Hills Biome

While I was out collecting some Wood and Food I came across my first Extreme Hills Biome. As you can see from the pictures, these hills are a hot spot for the lighting bug. Unfortunately while I was exploring I didn't come across any Emerald Veins but I did manage to collect over a stack of raw Chicken and about half a stack of raw Pork Chops! These hills have to be some of the best scenery in Minecraft, so many vast hills to explore and build upon.

Those Pesky villagers...

As with every new world, I like to dig a tunnel down to level 12 (Y) in search of Diamonds! I build this tunnel into one of the village little houses (I live in the new Desert village). At night all the Villagers run indoors and as everyone knows. Unfortunately when they run into this house the go all the way down into my mine, and normally get lost. As i was exploring a random cave system, I found one of my Blacksmiths just waiting there staring at me. Then he followed me around and eventually got shot by a skeleton and died (arrow flew past me and hit him). 

Some Lucky Enchantments (Will be constantly updated)

In this post I will be posting screenshots of all the cool and rare Enchants I get (ones I'v never had before). They might not seem that interesting but Id like to keep a copy of all the Enchantments I'v managed to get and might never get again.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jungle Temple

Today while I was out looking for some Squids so I could grab some Ink Sacks to make my first Book and Quill (Book of Truth By Solidsnake1945) I came across a Jungle. Curious as to what was inside I ventured onward. To my amazement I found this slightly hidden structure. The structure was a Jungle Temple! As there was no visible way in, I broke a hole in the roof and fell through.

The first thing I saw was a staircase leading down, I followed it into a chamber. On might left there were three switches, I ignored them and followed the tunnel to my right. As I was walking down the tunnel I was wondering if there was going to be any Tripwire within, as soon as this cross my mind an arrow went flying past me (somehow I managed to dodge it) and when I look down I saw I had tripped the wire. I collected them and went on (along with the Dispenser). As turned a corner I saw the chest and a Dispenser just behind it, this meant there had to be another Tripwire near by. It was just in front of the chest. Lucky I saw it before hand, destroyed it and the Dispenser and took them both.

After this I went back to check on those switches, being lazy I just mined my way through the stone with reviled a Chest, three Sticky Pistons, some Redstone and a Repeater. I took everything. The only thing of value in the Chests was about fifteen Gold Bars. I also took about two stacks of Moss Stone (unfortunately I ran out of space) hopefully Ill come across that temple again (for the Moss Stone) or find another with better loot.

This is what a Cocoa Pod looks like in Minecraft. The fully grown brown ones drop three Cocoa Beans. They also some in green and in various sizes.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Update, Epic Structures

Today I downloaded the new Minecraft patch 1.3.1. The first thing I did was try to find a desert world to find a Temple. So I went looking for a desert seed. Unfortunately I never found an actual desert seed but lucky for me, willing using a random seed (hotelcalifornia) I found one right next to my spawn. The first thing I did was go explore it with nothing but my bare hands (I had forgot to put the bonus chest option in) and punched out this random blue piece of wool. I jumped thought the hole and landed on a pressure plate, which blew me up along with all the loot. I could have this so I deleted that world, created a new world using the same seed and HAVING bonus chests enabled, went back, dug next to the blue wool, fell down and got my loot. In total there was about twenty Gold bars, eighteen Iron Bars, three Emeralds and three Diamonds along with many other various items. I then dug my way out and went on to explore.

As I felt the Temple I noticed a small desert village in the distance. I went off the explore it and see if it had any loot for me to steal. Unfortunately it had nothing of value (no forge) so I just destroyed one of the small house (far away from the view of my temple) because i was in need of the blocks, took all the doors and wheat and left.

Since finding the Temple I have made it into my house and flattened out the sand out side.